Basic Interview Questions and Answers

A Day of Interview 

Whenever you are going to applying a job there are various questions that are asked and the better prepared you are, the more successful your interview would be. Here I'm share with "Basic Interview Questions and Answers." 

Well, you would possibly have watched various videos online that mention the foremost common interview questions and answers. This video would be a little different, because it's not just about the questions and answers, we are gonna talk. 

I'm also gonna explain that what exactly the interviewer thinks, when he's asking certain questions at the time of Interview. What exact answers he's watching and what are the common mistakes that you simply usually do. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

1. Introduce Yourself ? 

The first commonest question that's asked by the interviewer is, " So tell me something about yourself?" or he or she may additionally ask, that run me through your CV? Now here the interviewer is not really interested in your answer. 

What they're watching is your confidence, your enthusiasm and therefore the passion that you simply answer with. So it's the best time that you show off your communication skills. 

Now usually I even have observed that a lot of people find yourself saying, " Ahh ! I love watching movies, I think I love partying. I have so many friends, so I really enjoy partying." No that's not the right way ! that you answer to this question. 

What you need to mention is your education, where you grew up otherwise you also can mention your past work experience, if you've got any and your personal interests. For example, you can say, !

" Well! my Name Is (your name), I live in (City Name). I completed my graduation from (Name of Your degree). After graduation I worked for (Company name) firm as a (your Post) for about eight months and I really enjoy numbers, so maybe that's precisely the reason, i really like to unravel them. Solving them is such a lot fun and in my spare time,I really like reading and also leave jogging as long as the weather allows me too.

So that is the way you'd answer to the present question. 

2. What's your Strengths? 

The second hottest question that's asked by an interviewer is, " What are your strengths?" 

Now ! here the interviewer is looking at how positive, you think about yourself. It's quite a general question, there is no right or a wrong answer thereto , but if you give out one liners like , "Oh I'm a really friendly person, i really like being with people and other people love being with me." That just doesn't sound great for an interview. Isn't it? 

So what you'll say is," My strongest trait is attention to detail. I totally believe in planning and execution. In fact even once I was in college, I wont to really organize my week and lots of people, due to my very outgoing nature."

3. What's your Weakness : 

The third commonest question that's asked is, "So what are your weaknesses?"


Here for this question, you need not be really negative about yourself self. I have heard people saying, "Well ! I'm a really impatient person or people also say, That i buy angry easy." Well, that's not the proper answer. Maybe that's your weakness, but you would like not bring it out. The best answer to the present , because what the interviewer is watching is whether or not you'll identify your weakness and the way you'll cover it up. 

So one among the examples, that you simply can use to answer this question is, "I think my weakness is that i'm way too detail oriented person. I try to accomplish everything and I just want everything to be perfect, but then I realize that I'm losing out on time, so maybe that makes me submitting these project's pretty late. So i feel that's one among the weaknesses.

So here basically, what you're doing is, you're displaying that perhaps , you run out of your time , but you're also giving a really positive aspect thereto that, you are a perfectionist. And that' s exactly what we saw as a strength within the gesture too. 

So i feel this is often one among the simplest ways in which you'll answer to the present question. 

4. What's your Vision : 

The next common question that's asked is, "Where does one see yourself in five years from now" or the interviewer may additionally ask that, "What are your future or your short term goals?" 

Now here, I have seen people really struggle to answer this question. Well, maybe, because you yourself haven't any idea, where you'd wish to be, so usually people find yourself saying, 

# Oh i might wish to be the CEO of this company. 

# I would like to own an airline. 

That doesn't sound correct , so what an honest answer to the present question would be, because here the interviewer is watching , how committed you're gonna be to the present company? A very clear path with commitment, because you recognize what is the rate of attrition lately . So he wants to know, how long would you stick to the company? 

So one among the simplest answers that you simply can give would be, "Well, five years from now, i feel i might wish to be during a management position. Till then i might wish to gain a practical experience then eventually become a manager. Of course, i might wish to share and also learn tons of latest things from my team members. "

5. What you know about our company ?

The next hottest question that's asked is, "So tell me something about our company or what does one realize our company?" Now here the interviewer in fact has knowledge about his own company, Right? That he's working for, but what he's watching is whether or not you're serious about this job or not? Whether you've got just come for one among those random interviews? 

So many people are usually disappointed , due to the shortage of research about the corporate , so what you would like to try to to is research. Go online study the positive attributes about the corporate. Learn about their products, their history's and etc. 

So one among the simplest ways in which you'll answer to the present question is, "Oh! Well your company is extremely documented for the customer service and you furthermore may won a gift for the simplest service provider within the country. And in fact , you furthermore may have an excellent clientele." 

So that's one among the simplest ways in which you'll answer this question. 

6. How you're Comfortable with Different Place? 

Sixth commonest question that's asked is, " How well does one handle a change?" Well, the philosophy behind this question is to understand , would you be ready to cope up with a change? Because usually companies definitely come up with different strategies, employees come and go. 

So would you be ready to handle that? People usually find yourself saying,"Oh in fact , i'm great at handling a change." Well, trust me the interviewer wouldn't be impressed with this answer. How you can answer to this question with an example, would be, " Well ! of course, I can handle a change, because in my previous company, due to some reason our boss, terminated our manager. And new manager, who came in and he had completely changed our work strategy of a project. So in fact , I'm very flexible and hardworking too, so we managed it with our team efforts and definitely the results were pretty good." 

So this is often the way that you simply could answer to this question. 

7. How's your performance under pressure? 

The next common question that's asked is, "How well does you work under pressure?" Now the reason behind this question is that the employer or the interviewer wants to understand that does one get really stressed out? Do you get really panicked under pressure? Because lately companies, in fact expect you to require more and more responsibility, and in fact a greater work load. 

So the best thanks to answer this question is, " Well definitely it's very difficult to working in under pressure or without pressure works in some of tough time on behalf of me, but I can manage myself in that time, In fact ! in my previous company i used to be working, there was a project that was given to us, which had to be completed in four days. Which usually takes ten days and therefore the whole team is like so stressed, and we just didn't know what to do, but then I insured that we settled down . We prioritized our work and actually during a very organized manner, we completed the project. 

And Of course we also worked late nights, but that definitely helped to submit our project in four days. So i feel working struggling isn't regrettable on behalf of me."

So this is often one among the simplest ways in which you'll answer to the present question. 

8. How do you handle important decisions? 

The last common question that is asked is, "How do you handle important decisions?" Now the reason behind this question is typically , If someone or the interviewer is hiring the person or hiring you for a management position or for a lead position.

He wants to understand that someday once you need to handle a really important, a really critical decision. How would you do that? 

So many people find yourself saying, you recognize what i actually haven't encounter , i actually haven't addressed such difficult situations. That's not the proper answer you'd say, one among the simplest answers that I can assist you with is, you'll say, "Well ! Handling decisions is certainly considered to be a touch difficult, but i'm sure I can roll in the hay , because my experience. I would believe my experience, i might also weigh down the pros and cons. Of course, i might also take some advice from my team members and i am sure that might help me to return on a choice . We will also look at the consequences of the decision. So definitely I can plow ahead and make decisions." 


So that brings me to the end of this lesson. I hope all of these questions and answers are helpful for your interview. And if you are going for an interview. Wish you all the very best. Do well and I will see you soon in the next lesson.